By Danielle M. Miller
Kids, career, spouse, family, friends, personal care, household, to-do lists…trying to juggle and balance all the roles and responsibilities we women have is overwhelming and both physically and emotionally draining.
It’s time to go beyond the balancing act.
We tend to think of balance as having all the different parts of our lives divided into equal little slices, with each getting equal time and attention. This is an impossible task to live up to. Work-life balance implies a duality where work is offset against life. When thought of that way, there is an inherent assumption that one must take precedence over the other. Both are now in competition for our time, effort and energy. If work wins, then life must “lose” and vice versa.
So what can you do instead of juggling balls, spinning plates and searching for that elusive balance?
- Instead of thinking in terms of balance, think in terms of equilibrium and proportion. We all have our own sense of proportion. Balance means having a relationship with your life right now that is a reflection of what is really important to you.
- A much more appealing definition of balance is this: an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements. It’s more about a blend than a balance in life.
- Take stock of what you are doing and how much control you are handing over to others. This sounds deceptively simple, but the harsh reality is that if you don’t start designing what you want your life to look like, someone else will.
- Do you feel like you are doing the work you were meant to do? Studies show that the more unhappy with your career and work choice, the more out of balance you will feel.
- Know what’s right for you. Don’t let other people’s definition and expectations of balance be imposed on you. Only you can decide what equilibrium looks like to you.
Remember achieving your sense of balance doesn’t require huge, monumental changes…simple, small steps over time will allow you to ditch the balancing act for good!
Danielle M. Miller is a certified career invention coach and founder of Danielle M. Miller Coaching/Consulting. Her mission for women is to “Create The Life You Crave by Doing the Work You Love!” Connect with Danielle: www.twitter.com/daniellemmiller, http://www.facebook.com/shesasmartcookie and http://www.daniellemmiller.com.
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