By E, Author of Shmirshky: Pursuit of Hormone Happiness
Mad Men is an award winning series on AMC. It’s a great show, but I think it’s time for a new series: Mad Women.
Many women in the workplace are criticized for exhibiting behavior that their male counterparts find bizarre and inexplicable. ”Bizarre behaviors” are no more than dismissive code words some men use to describe the challenges women face during perimenopause and menopause (I call it PM&M for short).
We all know that women are as capable, if not more capable, of performing skilled and executive functions as are men. That being said, the efficacy of women in the workplace is still criticized due to our vulnerability to the maladies of hormone fluctuations. Many men say that PMS and PM&M makes women less capable. This, of course, is nonsense, but it doesn’t mean that there aren’t some legitimate challenges that we have to be aware of. Unfortunately, you can’t leave your PM&M at home while you’re at the office.
Informed women can, as in other areas of their lives, enhance their functioning by educating themselves and preparing for the effects of PM&M, while in contrast, their male counterparts might be focusing on applying Grecian Formula hair coloring to their balding hairlines! A highly functioning and informed shmirshky (my word for a woman) in the workplace is not something to be messed with.
Women typically begin perimenopause between the ages of 38-48, and the average age of menopause (when you period has stopped for one full year) is 51. If you’re going to be one of the millions of women in PM&M going to work every day, you may have to contend with the over 34 menopause symptoms in addition to your workload! Familiarize yourself with these symptoms, so that you are prepared and empowered to get the help you deserve when the time comes. Here are a few tips to help you find hormone happiness!
1. First remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There are over 50 million women in North America in menopause and that doesn’t include the women in perimenopause! Lots of shmirshkies are in the same boat as you.
2. Put yourself on the top of your TO DO LIST! I know you’re busy, but if you prioritize your health, it will put you in a better position to handle all the other tasks on that list!
3. Find a specialist in PM&M to be your medical partner on your
menopausal journey. This may not be the same doctor that delivered your babies or who does your yearly Pap-smear. If the medical group you are with does not have a PM&M specialist, find one! You can switch doctors - there’s no divorce attorney needed. See pages 47-56 in Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness for helpful tips.
3. Start charting your symptoms! You will find these symptoms listed on pages 168-9 in the back of Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness in the Shmirshky Daily Symptoms Chart. This will help you communicate to your PM&M expert exactly how you feel in a quick and easy way.
4. Discuss the possible tests you may need. For some suggested tests, see page 57-64 in Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness.
5. Most importantly, do not hide your shmirshky under a bush! Trust yourself, you know when you don't feel well. Reach out and get the help you deserve.
Let’s kick that Mad Women concept right out the corporate board room door. The only thing women in the workplace need to be “mad” about is being treated as if going through normal PM&M life cycles and challenges is some sort of handicap, disease, or craziness.
Reaching out is IN. Suffering in silence is OUT!
Members of the Fresh Start Community, be sure to check out your Special Offers page to get your copy of E's fun-loving Shmirshky book. Not a member yet? Become one by visiting www.wehelpwomen.com.
"E" is the pen name of Ellen Sarver Dolgen, author of Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness, a light-hearted, informative, easy-to-read book on menopause, and creator ofhttp://www.shmirshky.com, a resource treasure trove for women going through perimenopause and menopause.
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