By Diane McLelland, Our Resident Fashionista!
On a recent weekend trip to Florida, I eagerly opened my InStyle magazine to find a featured story on ideal clothing for camouflaging your trouble areas entitled ‘Figure Flattery’. The article suggested ideas for hiding, flaunting, and minimizing your ‘problem’ areas. Wow, this was a must read! Who among us doesn’t have some figure flaw that we want to hide?
If you’ve got it, flaunt it…but if you don’t…
First up, the LBD (little black dress). There were 9 styles from designer Norma Kamali; each offered a different twist on the basic black dress, and provided solutions for areas we’d like to conceal or accentuate. Whatever the case may be, the dress gave a great option for every different body type.
Next, some pretty ruffled tops were suggested to create interest at the neckline – a great fix for smaller bustlines, just as a peplum style top can help to give the illusion of a curvier figure for smaller, more petite sized women.
In today’s marketplace, slacks are considered a viable business option for women who don’t feel their legs are their best feature. Wanting to look taller and leaner? Opt for a pant with some flair and pair it with nude shoes to create the illusion of a longer leg.
Jackets and blazers not only provide warmth, but they can be a great way to cover up other problematic areas such as tummy, hips, thighs, or bottoms. A great length to try is the fingertip length. Adding a wide belt can accentuate an hourglass figure, no matter what your weight. Stay away from short blazers and jackets if you’re on the hippy side.
A horizontal striped skirt would be a no-no if you’re trying to downplay ample hips, just as large shoulder pads in a jacket would tend to draw attention to wide shoulders.
Buy your current sized clothing-puh-leeze!
So, you find the ideal skirt that would match perfectly with the sweater you bought on clearance. The trouble is, it’s 2 sizes smaller than your current size. ‘I’ll fit into it in 3 weeks, and 10 pounds,” you tell yourself. No, no, and no!
Do not buy an item with the intention of losing weight. Too many of us try to squeeze into what we perceive as our ‘real size’ or the size we want to be in after we lose that holiday weight. Quite frankly, I still have stuff in my closet with the tags on that I hoped I would eventually fit into, alongside clothes that I hoped I would get back into. All this philosophy has done is waste my money and clutter up my closet.
First things first- recognize the size you are today and own it. Your shape and size can look amazing if you dress for your figure. Just remember, it is not about the number but how you fit into the clothing. In some stores you may wear a size 8, and some you may wear a 12. Don’t get hung up on the number, but rather- focus on what looks good and makes you feel confident.
The proper undergarments can be a girl’s best friend.
I recall a TV commercial some years ago for a product that claimed to eliminate ‘ VPL’, or visible panty lines. With the advent of shapewear, no longer do women have to settle for panty lines or bulging areas beneath the bra line on their backs. There are one-piece shapers that have a built-in bra, and those that resemble a shortened version of a pair of pantyhose. Some manufacturers even claim that their product will instantly have a slimming effect. While of course they won’t take pounds off you, they can visually create a smoother and more streamlined look, and your clothes will look better.
I certainly understand that every woman has something minor that they would like to change. But these quick and easy fashion tips can have you feeling better in no time. Look your best, while minimizing your perceived body flaws- it will make you step out into the world in that confident and bold way every day!
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