Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ways to Get Fit if You Can't Afford the Gym

 By Dawn Antestenis, Fresh Start

Gym memberships are expensive and a monthly commitment that many of us just can’t sign up for.  So what’s the alternative?

Get Outside

Step out of your front door and say hello to your new outdoor gym.  Exercising outdoors is not only free it is great for your mental health.  An outdoor workout or brisk walk can significantly improve your mood, self-esteem, and go a long way to restoring your stressed out mind. 


Walking is 100% free.  Think about how you can fit in a daily walk.  A morning walk before breakfast is not only great exercise it also gets your metabolism going, helping you to burn fat during the rest of the day!  Take the dog or walk with a friend and catch up on the gossip.

If time is an issue then try getting off the bus a few stops early, or park further away from your office to get in a short walk when you can.

Jump Rope

Any rope will do!  It is easy and basic jumping at 130 jumps per minute burns the same number of calories as running 9-10 miles!

Climb a Hill

Get out there and climb up hill.  You will love the challenge and burn calories at the same time!  Make it into a weekend family activity and get your kids outdoors into nature.

Use the Kids Playground

While you kids play happily on the swing why not do some lunges around the play area, or swing on the monkey bars!

Go for a Run

A run will get you outdoors, breathing in the fresh air, and gives you an opportunity to really challenge yourself.  If you are a beginner start off by running for 5 minutes, walking for 5 minutes, and build up your stamina.  Remember to stretch before and after your run! 

Borrow an Exercise DVD

Using an exercise DVD means you can exercise in the comfort and privacy of your own home.  From yoga to intense workouts there is a huge range out there and something to suit everyone’s fitness level and schedule.  Borrow a tried and tested favorite from a friend or head down to your local library.

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