The other morning, a phrase bolted into my head in a very dramatic fashion just as I reached the
apex of my climb. Standing there, scanning the horizon, satisfied with my morning’s
accomplishment, clear as day in my mind I heard:
Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good.
When the phrase popped into my mind, it was clear to me that it was more than a phrase, but a
motto, a rally cry and the path for all women. That’s it, I thought this is what women want! We want to better ourselves, access our potential, be successful and become more and more of the woman we sense we can be. We want to Look Good, Feel Good and Do Good!
As a coach, speaker and teacher, I’m always asking myself how can I communicate everything I
know, have witnessed or experienced in such a way that it helps women find their path to
success and ultimately their true self. This phrase seemed to bring my message through in
such a clear and succinct way as I started to make my way down the mountain, feeling great
about my new discovery.
Each step I took allowed me to grasp more of the essence of what Look Good, Feel Good, Do
Good really means for women. I sensed it was more than just the obvious yes
of course, we have all said, I just want to look good or why can’t I feel better? But, by truly embracing it as a motto, and going deeper, we open ourselves up to new possibilities of our own power, potential and true success.
I started to remember that years ago as I was going through my own personal transformation evolving
into more and more of myself people who hadn’t seen me for a long time would always
ask me if I had lost weight. Now, what girl doesn’t want to hear that?! It was the first thing they would say upon seeing me and when I would say I hadn’t, they would give me this confused look. Sometimes, they would even argue with me, convinced I just wasn’t admitting it! At that time, I hadn’t actually lost any weight, but because of the inner transformation that took place, I appeared completely different on the outside.
Looking good is more than the surface it’s about the energy and essence we are
showing the world. It’s our glow, our radiance and our presence. That’s real beauty that’s
the essence of looking good. Ever meet a woman who is stunning but not a perfect size 6? She has a quality and presence about her that is more than just her size. Ok so how do you get inner radiance you might be asking?
The first tip I have for you is to bump up your self care. Most women leave self care to the bottom of the list and it only happens if they have time. Try moving one or two things to the top of your list. Whether you’re relaxing with lotions and potions, diving into a juicy book, meditating or exercising, all of these things bring a sense of value and appreciation to your being.
Remember hearing all of those financial gurus say that if you want to build wealth, you have to
start by paying yourself first? They would encourage you with every paycheck to automatically
put some into savings. It’s kind the same idea when it comes to self care. The time that you put
into self care, becomes an investment in yourself. And when we invest in ourselves, we radiate
and when we radiate, we’re happier.
So the first way to create true success is to Look Good by cultivating your inner radiance.
By now, I’m about halfway home and I’m really starting to love this idea of Look Good, Feel
Good, Do Good. It seems that the more I ponder it, the bigger it gets. I start to realize that for so
many women, looking good has been a way to try to feel good. Makes sense. We have all been
bombarded with ads and images of good looking people and they never seem unhappy or
depressed! The two are so interrelated and especially for us women, we cannot have one
without the other.
Just as there are a million products promising that you’ll look good if you use them, there are just
as many promising that you’ll feel good. Antidepressants are actually the most often prescribed
medication in this country so clearly there are a lot of people wanting to feel better.
In working with different women, I’ve discovered some common patterns around feeling good.
Most women feel happiest when they are honoring themselves. When we are not trying
to be perfect, or unemotional or everything to everyone, but when we allow ourselves to
simply be real. Which includes embracing all the different parts of ourselves even the ones
we think are wrong, unpleasant or unattractive.
Is there a part of you that you would be willing to embrace today? Can you be more accepting of
your emotions? Can you allow yourself to ask for help? Can you take some time to just be and
not do? These type of shifts create space for us to be more and more authentic which always
leads to a greater sense of peace and happiness.
So honoring yourself leads to Feeling Good which becomes the second way to create
true success.
When women look and feel good from the inside out, a desire emerges to give back in some
way. Whether that’s in her own family, in her career or as a volunteer, when women are at our
best, they are natural givers and want to help others be their best too. So its only natural
that doing good becomes the next stage in true happiness. By now I’m running down the
mountain, excited to get home and allow my ideas to tumble onto the paper!
What I love about the concept of doing good is that there are infinite possibilities. We can go big
or small, regular or once there are numerous ways to do good in the world. From a warm
hello, to doing something for a friend or family member or starting a new project or community we
are only limited by our imagination.
For some women, they would like to contribute, but often think they don’t have the time, energy
or resources. If this is true for you, I would encourage you to look at what you have in abundance and begin to give a bit of that back. Maybe you have some extra time to help someone out or have a few extra dollars to donate or can use your energy to send positivity to someone in need. In this way, you are sharing your abundance to create even more.
Or you might start by exploring what you think is missing in your world. Remember the famous
quote by Ghandi of “Be the change you wish to see in the world”? Notice where you want to see
changes. Ask yourself: How I be a catalyst for the very thing that I desire or want more of? Who
do I feel most called to help out? How can I bring a lasting contribution to the world? Your
answers will guide you to a place where you can do good, and in the process, create a sense of
purpose.The third and final way to create true success is to Do Good in the world.
By Looking Good, Feeling Good & Doing Good, women guide themselves into a profound
experience of true success.
Gabrielle Marie Loomis is a Coach, Speaker & Educator who awakens women to their true power and purpose. Her belief in the power of a woman’s spirit along with her own personal journey of radical transformation has empowered hundreds of women to awaken their true potential and step into their brilliance. Gabrielle offers life changing programs at
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