By Ellen Dolgen a
Health & Wellness Advocate, Menopause Awareness Expert, Author, Speaker,
and health blogger.

Women love to decorate, maybe not all as much as my
friend, but the holidays are a fun opportunity to let out our inner Martha.
Sometimes the best redecorating project begins with downsizing. We shouldn’t be
afraid to toss out faded ornaments or that 10-year-old string of lights that
only lights up on one side. Getting rid of a pile of “stuff” or what’s not
working can feel right sometimes and is often a great way to create room for
something new. However, when it comes to our bodies, we should be cautious
before we start throwing out what we think is no longer working for us.
Hysterectomies are a radical form of redecorating;
however, doctors perform up to 600,000 of them per year. Hysterectomy is the 2nd
most common surgery among women after cesarean delivery. So, chances are that,
even during the holidays, you or someone you know is considering whether this
is the right thing to do.
Recently, I heard an amazing life story about a woman
named Carroll, a member of the sisterhood from Georgia. Carroll is 54 years
old, re-married with a Brady Bunch family including 2 sons, 3 step-children, 4
children-in-law, and 2 grandchildren! She manages a medical office, so she
interacts daily with doctors and lives a healthy, active life. She stays fit
through diet and exercise, especially running. Recently, Carroll has had a lot
to face in her personal and family life. She steered her elderly father through
a divorce and relocation to an assisted care facility. Then, her step-son
survived a major stroke and began a long road towards recovery. Recently, two
other children were married (what she calls “happy stress events”). On top of
all of this, she experienced health issues and ultimately decided to undergo a
Carroll: I realized I was going through
perimenopause when I was about 44-45 years old. I woke up one morning with a
wet nightgown and assumed a fever had broken during the night even though I
felt fine. The next morning it happened again. It slowly dawned on me that it
wasn't a fever, and I told my husband I was pretty sure I was having night
sweats. He laughed and said he wondered when I would figure that out.
Then came the sudden mood swings...I knew I
was being unreasonable about stupid things, but I couldn't seem to control it!!
My poor husband asked how long menopause lasts and I said it could last 10 can imagine his disappointment!!!...and fear!!
I had been on low dose birth control
(loestrin FE) for a few years before the night sweats started. Because of that
and because I was running a lot, I didn’t have my period during that time even
during the 7 days each month I didn’t take the pill. My doctor made a change in
the dosage (not taking the 7 days off), after I began having migraines about
the time I started perimenopause. The migraines seemed to revolve around the
same time each month. My primary care physician ended up putting me on a blood
pressure medication, as a prophylaxis for the migraines. Both of those
medications helped tremendously as well as me recognizing my own
"triggers" for the migraines: red wine, being around a smoky fire,
and running in very hot weather.
The thing that most helped alleviate my
menopause symptoms, though, was cardiovascular exercise, and it also lifted me
out of a blue spell I had been going through.
Because my symptoms were minor, I never had
any hormone tests to diagnose my stage of perimenopause. I had no further
problems, until recently. I had not had a period in probably 15 years.
Suddenly, I began to have a continuous one. It stopped for about 6 days and
began again. I’ve had mild and severe dysplasia twice, the last time being
about 15 years ago and have been faithful about having my annual exams. My
gynecologist has wanted me to have a hysterectomy for the last 10 years, but I
told him that unless my annual check ups came back with dysplasia again, I
wasn't planning to have one.
Let’s get our bearings about hysterectomy by
learning the basics.
By definition, a hysterectomy is the surgical removal of
all or a portion of a woman’s uterus. Along with the uterus, the fallopian
tubes, ovaries, and cervix may also be removed. There are 3 types of hysterectomy:
Partial, subtotal, or supracervical removes the upper
part of the uterus but does not remove the cervix.
Total removes the whole uterus and cervix.
Radical removes the whole uterus, cervix and
surrounding tissues, and the upper part of the vagina.
Now what part of any of that sounds like a routine
procedure??? Because hysterectomies are performed so often, it’s not uncommon
to hear someone talk like it’s no big deal. Well, hysterectomies are a big deal
and require serious thought. For starters, you MUST get more than one opinion. Yes, even
if the obstetrician who delivered all of your children insists this is the
right solution for you.
Hysterectomies can be performed either through an
incision in the lower abdomen or through the vagina. Abdominal hysterectomies
can require a 5-7” incision while laparoscopic hysterectomies are completed
through 3 or 4 small incisions. Laparoscopic and vaginal hysterectomies usually
require less time in the hospital (sometimes performed in an out-patient
setting) and involve a shorter recovery time. There is also a hybrid procedure
known as laparoscopically-assisted, vaginal hysterectomy. Even though the
Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology released a position paper stating most
hysterectomies should be performed vaginally or laparoscopically, more than 2/3
of hysterectomies are still being performed abdominally largely due to lack of
doctor training or experience with the less invasive procedures.
Carroll: Then, I was diagnosed with a benign
fibroid (after a fun filled endometrial biopsy and vaginal ultrasound) and was
told this was going to be a continual problem. I decided to talk to my doctor
about a hysterectomy. We discussed my options, including less invasive
procedures like oophorectomy (bilateral removal of ovaries) and trying to treat
and remove the fibroid. However, I had already had a tubal ligation when I had
my last child, so I was obviously never having any more children. I saw no
reason to keep having recurring problems. I felt confident in my decision to
have a total vaginal hysterectomy. It was a decision I discussed with my
husband, and he was comfortable with it as long as it alleviated my problems.
Otherwise, my health has always been chronic problems...I exercise regularly and try to eat a healthy, low
fat diet. As nervous as I was about the thought of surgery, I went into it
thinking it would be no big deal.
Consider alternatives to hysterectomy.
Hysterectomy is prescribed as the answer to an array of
gynecological issues including fibroids, endometriosis, gynecological cancer,
uterine prolapse, adenomyosis, heavy periods, chronic pelvic pain, or
rare pregnancy complications. Sometimes women are not made aware that, other
than for advanced stages of cancer, there are alternatives for each of these
conditions before reaching over them all the way to a hysterectomy.
A few of the alternatives to hysterectomy include:
- Myomectomy removes the tumor(s) but leaves the uterus intact.
- Uterine fibroid embolization shrinks the tumors by cutting off their blood supply.
- Drug therapy.
- Endoscopic surgery to remove scar tissue.
Uterine Prolapse
- Kegel and other exercises to improve muscle tone.
- Vaginal pessary, a devise that holds the uterus in place.
- Estrogen therapy or less invasive surgery that leaves the uterus intact.
Abnormal Periods
- Hormone replacement or other drug therapy.
- Low-dosage progesterone contraceptives.
- Endometrial ablation or D&C (dilation and curettage).
This, of course, is not an exhaustive list and is not
intended to be medical advice; however, I present these options here to show
that there are many options to consider depending upon your unique
circumstances and medical history. Talk to your doctor and take a list of
questions to your appointment!
If hysterectomy is the right solution for you, there are
risks specific to hysterectomy that you and your doctor should discuss in
Injury to nearby organs (bowel, urinary tract, bladder,
rectum, or blood vessels)
Pain during intercourse
Allergic reactions to anesthesia or medicines
prescribed during recovery
Blood clots
Heavy bleeding
Early or sudden menopause*
*I placed an asterisk next to this risk because it
warrants special attention. If your ovaries are removed during hysterectomy,
you will enter Surgical Menopause immediately and risk the mild to severe
symptoms that can result in the sudden disappearance of the hormones that your
ovaries produce. If you elect to keep your ovaries (sometimes recommended if no
medical or family history of cysts or ovarian or cervical cancer is present),
your ovaries can still temporarily shut down. This may last from a few weeks to
several months. In a study at Duke University, they found that women who have a
hysterectomy and keep their ovaries reach menopause an average of 2 years
earlier than women who do not have a hysterectomy. No matter what age or stage
you are, there are benefits to keeping your ovaries. Normally, a woman’s
ovaries will produce less and less hormones the older she gets; however, the
decrease is usually very gradual and even the smaller amounts of estrogen and
androstenedione provide important protection from heart disease and
osteoporosis while testosterone is important to maintaining energy and a
healthy sex drive. If both ovaries are removed during a hysterectomy or if your
ovaries temporarily become inactive following surgery, estrogen-replacement therapy
may be necessary.
Carroll: I initially planned to have the
surgery on Tuesday and be back at work on
Friday. I spent one night in the hospital and
ended up going back to work the following Tuesday, after taking a week off. I
was ok going back to work, but I was very tired. I had a spinal block which
worked well for me and made my recovery much quicker. I took pain medication
right after my surgery and then switched to ibuprofen. My doctor gave me a shot
of estrogen and then, when I went in for my 3 week post op visit, we decided on
one more estrogen shot. I am currently on oral Estradiol and was released from
my gynecologist a couple of weeks ago.
It has been about 8 weeks since my surgery,
and I am feeling great. The worst part of the recovery was being sedentary, and
I gained some weight due to my inactivity. At the moment, I am working hard to
lose it. I hope to have it all off soon, although this time of the year
definitely makes it more difficult!
I am very happy with the results of my
surgery. One of the funniest things about the whole recovery process was that
my husband began taking testosterone injections right before I had my
hysterectomy...and then my celibate 6 week recovery! He managed to
did I...and we are both happy and relieved it is all behind me!! I am more than
thrilled to never buy another tampon again!!!
Decorating Rules for a Happy Hysterectomy
1. Get a 2nd opinion.
2. Try alternative treatments first.
3. Understand the risks (taking into consideration your
personal and family medical history).
4. Opt for the least invasive procedure if you choose
5. Opt to keep your ovaries if possible.
Recovery can include a 1 to 2 day stay in the hospital
after surgery followed by rest and restricted activity for 4 to 6 weeks for an
abdominal hysterectomy or 3 to 4 weeks for vaginal or laparoscopic. After 6
weeks, you can begin to lift heavier objects again, take tub baths, and resume
sexual activity.
Carroll: As far as my health and all the
family things, I am very lucky to have a wonderfully supportive husband. Also,
when you’re going through that many things at once, you have to handle one day
at a time. The weddings were happy stress. My son’s stroke and Dad's divorce
were some of the most upsetting things I've ever been through. I found those
tough times brought my husband and I closer and made us (and me) stronger.
Hopefully, my experience will be helpful to
someone else. Above all, make sure the decision for a hysterectomy is one you
are very sure of!! Educate yourself about all your options. I trust my doctor
and ultimately, it was my decision to make.
Thank you, Carroll, for being so open and sharing your
story with us!
A hysterectomy is a major redecorating project. You may
think that a totally new “look” is just what you need. The two main points to
remember are (1) get a second opinion and (2) consider alternative treatments
first. Maybe new throw pillows or a change of wall color will do the trick
before you go for a complete “gut” renovation. Before you decide whether a
hysterectomy is the right choice for you, take your time and learn about your
condition and your treatment options. Don’t rush into anything that you don’t
understand or doesn’t feel right. Like Carroll said, it’s your decision
to make.
Remember … Reaching out is IN! Suffering in
silence is OUT!
More on the big “H”:
Woman-to-woman site for hysterectomy information,
support and recovery at (Free registration required to
access some features.)
If You Have Uterine Fibroids, from
and up to date, evidence based, information and news from
Review this info from to help decide
if a hysterectomy is the right procedure for you.
Hysterectomy Fact Sheet from
2011 Women’s Health Stats and Facts from The American
Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Hysterectomy, stats on p. 19,
hysterectomy alternatives by diagnosis on p. 20.
is the author of Shmirshky:
The Pursuit of Hormone Happiness -- a cut-to-the-chase book on
perimenopause and menopause that's filled with crucial information, helpful
guides, and hilarious and heartfelt stories. Known for her humor, compassion,
and sassy personality, Ellen has appeared on numerous television and radio
broadcasts, including: the Rachael Ray Show, The Doctors, Oprah Radio, Playboy
Radio, “Tell Me More" on NPR, Doctor Radio, and dozens of other regional
and national media outlets. Ellen is a frequent guest on the popular radio
show, "Broadminded," on Sirius XM Radio (Stars XM 107) and is a
regular contributor on Huff/Post 50 along with blogging for many leading
women’s health sites. Ellen has dedicated herself to women’s wellness through a
wide breadth of activities ranging from being a founding board member of the
UCSD Student Wellness Center, working with pharmaceutical companies in helping
them to effectively address women’s health needs, serving on hospital advisory
boards, and advocating for cardiovascular health.
motto is: Reaching out is IN! Suffering in silence is OUT! Visit
her at
and subscribe to her Menopause Mondays newsletter. Follow
Ellen Dolgen on Twitter: Like
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