Standing out from a crowd of job applicants is as easy as 1, 2, 3...
1. Include a compelling cover letter
When writing your cover letter make sure it and your Resume are aesthetically pleasing and consistent with each other. Take time to select fonts, heading styles, and look at examples of other Resumes to select a layout style that is pleasing to the eye and easy to read.2. Create a Resume website
This is a great way to build your brand and improve your job search. A well written blog with industry related articles is an excellent way to share your expertise and begin to build a positive reputation within your industry.Further, it is a great way to build a networking community online.
Remember to include a link to your blog on your Resume.
3. Include Keywords on your Resume
These days many Resumes end up in databases and Employer Applicant Tracking systems that scan Resumes for keywords relevant to the position. Using keywords may determine whether or not your Resume is selected.The first step to ensuring your Resume includes the relevant keywords is to get hold of the Job Description. Go through this, highlighting nouns and phrases that relate to the job, skills, and experience. Remember only to include these keywords in your Resume if they are true - don't include skills and experience that you don't actually have!
It is also a good idea to brainstorm nouns and phrases that you would use to describe the job you are going for, and to incoporate these into your Resume.
Good luck!
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