Part 1 of a 5 part series from psychologist Ellen M. Diana phd
Building Your Self-Esteem
to Take the First Steps to Changing Your Life
What’s holding you
back from being all that you can be? Maybe it’s low
Healthy self-esteem is the
foundation of your life. Whether or not you succeed in reaching your goals
depends on the level of your self-esteem. Feelings of low self-worth and low
self-confidence can hold you back from having all the success that you desire
because unconsciously you feel that you don’t deserve it.
This is because the
hallmark of healthy self-esteem is feeling deserving of having the good things
in life. Feeling deserving means you are proud of who you are and have an
expectation that what you need and ask for will be provided. If you think you don’t
deserve that good job, promotion, or pay raise that you desire, then perhaps
you’re not considering everything that you have going for you.
Let’s look at this
situation in terms of the traits that you possess and feel pride in:
First, look over the box of positive traits
listed below and select five which you feel describe you best. Think of these
five as your anchors; you rely on these traits to get you through your life.
Most likely you’ve also been praised for these traits and that makes you feel
adaptable, adventurous, affectionate, analytical, artistic, assertive,
attentive, brave, calm, caring, charitable, cheerful, compassionate,
collaborative, competent, concerned, confident, congenial, considerate,
creative, curious, daring, decisive, dedicated, determined, devoted,
diplomatic, discreet , dynamic, eager, easygoing, effective, empathic,
energetic, enthusiastic, extroverted, fearless, firm, flexible, forgiving,
friendly, fun-loving, generous, giving, happy, healthy, hopeful, honest,
humble, humorous, idealistic, important, impulsive, inquisitive, intellectual,
involved, jolly, just, kind, knowledgeable, logical, lonely, lovable, loving,
lucky, magnanimous, motivated, neglected, nervous, open-minded, organized,
outgoing, pampered, passionate, patient, perceptive, persistent, persuasive,
playful, positive, practical, rational, realistic, reluctant, respectful,
responsible, sensible, serious, sociable, spontaneous, spunky, strong,
talented, talkative, tenacious, tender, thoughtful, tolerant, trustworthy,
truthful, understanding, witty.
Next, consider how each of the five traits
could be useful for you in the workplace.
For example, if you selected diplomatic as one of your anchors, are you
diplomatic in your interactions with your boss and co-workers? What gets in the
way of your using this positive trait?
Also, think about whether you are using
your anchors as much as you could. For example, if you selected extroverted,
consider whether you express yourself as much as you could or if you have a
tendency to be more introverted in the workplace. Think about why that could be
Finally, look for
opportunities to use the traits that you are most comfortable with in the
workplace. For example, if analytical is one of your anchors, look for ways to
use this positive trait appropriately in your career.
Show your pride!
This blog post is the
first of a short series on the topic of building self-esteem by examining what
makes you proud and what makes you feel shame. Look for more blogs on this
topic in the months to come.
Also, consider coming to
my two-part workshop, Building Healthy Self-Esteem, at Fresh Start on Wednesday
April 17th and Wednesday April 24th from 1-3 PM.
Attendance at Part I is helpful, but is not required, to attend Part II. The fee for each session is $5.00. Hope to
see you there!
Ellen Diana is a psychologist, author of the Lucky
Dreamer Tip Series, and co-author of the Charge
up Your Life series of self-help books. She has
30 years’ experience working with children, adults, couples, and families in
schools and in private practice in Scottsdale, Arizona. Helping women to evolve
into their best selves through personal growth and self-awareness is a passion
of hers. Ellen raised three successful children as a single parent and so has
special interests in mentoring other women in transition and helping parents to
raise resilient children. Contact Ellen at or through her website
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