A big part of searching for the perfect job, asking for a
raise, or applying for a promotion is feeling that you deserve to have it.
Deservingness is the hallmark of healthy self-esteem. Feeling deserving means you
have an expectation that what you need and ask for will be provided. This is
harder than it seems since it involves several elements:
Next, can you accept good things? The January issue of Yoga
Journal includes a “wisdom” article by Sally Kempton which encourages being a
“wide receiver,” someone who can open their arms and heart to the gifts that
life offers. Giving to others is often
easier than taking for ourselves, since no one wants to be labeled selfish.
Sometimes even accepting a compliment is difficult because it means you feel
deserving of the kind words. But giving to self is not selfish. It’s actually
your number one job in life – to appreciate the gifts you’ve been given and to
use them to gather good things to you, just because you want them, just because
you deserve them. That’s not selfish. It’s being proud and grateful.
Finally, practice feeling deserving. Start with simple
things like:
Accept compliments graciously;
Ask for help when necessary;
Offer your opinion; and
Notice what you envy and ask yourself what holds
you back from having it.
Remember, there’s enough good things to go around in the
world and you’re entitled to your share!
Ellen Diana is a psychologist, author of the Lucky
Dreamer Tip Series, and co-author of the Charge
up Your Life series of self-help books. She has
30 years’ experience working with children, adults, couples, and families in
schools and in private practice in Scottsdale, Arizona. Helping women to evolve
into their best selves through personal growth and self-awareness is a passion
of hers. Ellen raised three successful children as a single parent and so has
special interests in mentoring other women in transition and helping parents to
raise resilient children. Contact Ellen at drdiana@ellendiana.com or through her website www.ellendiana.com
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