Thursday, May 9, 2013

To Date or Not to Date After A Divorce

My friends are divided between those that believe you should jump right back into the dating pool after a divorce and those that feel you should wait until the kids are a little older. Personally, I’m somewhere in between.

Actually, the idea of dating sounds exhausting. Sure it was fun when I was in my twenties, but now there are some days that I’m just happy I can get myself to work (without too many wrinkles in my clothes) and get my kid to school on time. I rush home, get dinner, clean up, worry about bills and I have just enough energy to crawl into bed and get ready to do it all over again. The idea of getting dressed up and going out on a real date sounds almost impossible.

Of course, I’m getting ahead of myself. Dating would mean that I would first meet a guy. The last time I dated was many, many, many years ago. It was a lot easier to meet a single guy then. Now the only guys I see are the ones I work with (a definite no-no) and the guys that work in the grocery store or at the fast food places where I grab dinner when I can’t deal with cooking.

If only I could go through the drive-through and order a nice guy to date as easily as I order a burger. “Hi, I’d like a terrific guy to go please. And I’d like a side of ‘good sense of humor’ with that.” “Oh yes, I would like to supersize that to a real relationship.” If that was on the McDonald’s menu, they’d sell plenty of those Happy Meals. I know I’d be first in line to order.

Laura C. Browne is a corporate trainer and author. Her books, 'Raise Rules for Women: How To Make More Money At Work' and 'Why Can’t You Communicate Like Me? How Smart Women Get Results At Work' are now available in paperback and for the Kindle on

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